Dental Tips for Dogs That Have a Bite!

Posted by Chewy Chews

We all know how important dental health is for humans, but did you know the same can be said for our four-legged friends too?

There's nothing worse than stinky dog breath, and trust us, we’ve all been on the receiving end of this during play time at the local dog park. What's more concerning though, is that this can act as a warning sign for more sinister underlying health concerns such as disease, plaque buildup and tooth decay.

With 80% of Aussie Dogs over the age of 3 years showing signs of dental disease, this means that for many, dental health for dogs is often put on the backburner, or simply not considered. Given dental disease is preventable, this number is alarmingly high. To put this into perspective, imagine if 80% of all 21 year old humans experienced the same dental disease. Chances are you’d be hearing a lot more about it!

We’re not here to worry you, but a dog's mouth acts as a tell-tale sign of overall health, so it is important that dog pawents brush up on their pets dental health!

Daily Teeth Brushing

No different to humans, your pups teeth need daily attention, and this includes teeth brushing - yes you heard that right. While it sounds a little left of field, a quick tooth scrub a day trumps an empty wallet from expensive vet bills! Prevention really is better than a cure, so it pays to be vigilant when it comes to your dog's teeth. For pearly-puppy-whites, you’ll need to ditch the human toothpaste, however (word of warning, this can be toxic if swallowed by Fido!), and opt for a canine friendly solution. For those local to Brisbane, our friends at Newstead Vets are our go-to for all things dog health, and this includes their chompers!

If dog-teeth brushing is taking some time to wrap your head around, we feel you. Not every dog will take to the teeth cleaning process, which involves using your finger as a toothbrush to clean your dog's teeth, so don’t stress if your pooch is not loving the experience! Pet owners can also opt for treats, toys and chews as another way of keeping on top of their dog's dental regime (with less fuss and mess - it's a yes from us). When chews are given multiple times a week these will also do the job of keeping your dog's teeth clean and healthy. Disclaimer alert - While treats have proven to be an easy way of keeping your dog's teeth in tip top shape, this is only one method of dental hygiene, and should not be the only form relied upon!

Treats and chews

Maintaining strong, healthy teeth for your dog is something we are passionate about here are Chewy Chews. We have a range of treats specifically tailored to caring for your pups chompers. But don’t just take our word for it - our treats have been given the tick of approval by Dr Thiago, from Newstead Vets, so your pup can eat their heart out!

Keep reading to find out two of our go-to dental treats, that your furry friends will be dying to sink their teeth into!

Veal Ribbie Sticks

Our Veal Ribbie Sticks are a MUST HAVE when it comes to doggy dental health. Made from 100% veal, these bony bites have been created with chewing in mind, keeping your dog's teeth in tip top shape. As your dog chews away at the veal, this process in turn wears down plaque buildup, promoting healthy gums, and setting the stage for the pearly whites to shine!

Roo Leg Chews

Another one of our faves when it comes to dental health, is our Roo Leg Chews. Made from 100% kangaroo, these treats are a little smaller than the Ribbie sticks, making them perfect for pups finding their teeth (but equally enjoyed by dogs of all sizes). Again, the chewy texture means plaque and other nasties don’t stand a chance, making them another teeth cleaning essential in our books!

Dog Toys

If you’re wanting to take your dog's teeth cleaning regime even further, dog toys are another fun way to achieve this. Combining functionality and play, we have you covered with our Chewy Chews Teeth Cleaning Gear Flosser. Our Gear Flosser will help your pet floss like a boss, providing hours of entertainment, while the textured groves work their magic at your dog's pearly whites.

Keeping on top of your dog's dental health plays an important role in their overall wellbeing, and doesn’t have to be complicated! While consistent tooth brushing is the most effective method when it comes to dental hygiene, a routine chewy treat will also do the trick! And what dog is going to say no to a daily treat? A win-win for everyone.

If you do notice discolouration in your dog's teeth, bad breath or any other health concern, it's always best to consult professional veterinary advice at first instance! Regular veterinary checkups are also advised.

Happy chewing!

Dental Diet Teeth

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